

Scrabble Dictionary, BUILD and PATTERN function

Carry the latest official Scrabble dictionary everywhere you go ! More than 276 000 playable words from Collins dictionary at your fingertips!
Improve your Scrabble skills dramatically with suggestions, corrections and definitions of the most uncommon words. Also includes American and Canadian spellings.
Find the best playable words with the "BUILD" function, and optimise your word placements on the game board with the "PATTERN" function.
Supports special squares with double/triple words/letters and features an exclusive "SCORE" function to keep track of all the players' score !
Need a break ? No problem, 4 exciting word games await: Scrabble Genius, Hangman, Word Jumble and Mystery Word.

With shipment US ** Tariff 0-1 lbs. ** for $9.24

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